คลิปประชาสัมพันธ์ผลไม้ไทยจากกรมส่งเสริมการค้าระหว่างประเทศ (DITP)

คลิปประชาสัมพันธ์ผลไม้ไทยจากกรมส่งเสริมการค้าระหว่างประเทศ (DITP)

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 31 ส.ค. 2565

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Thailand gears up for food safety and quality control of fresh fruits as demands of Thai durian continue to grow

Thailand is the leading exporter of high quality fruits. The country is renowned for various kinds of fresh fruits, from mangoes to longans, and the most famous one is undoubtedly Thai durian, the king of tropical fruits.

Thailand is the fertile ground for a variety of flavorful fruits. Each year, Thailand exports almost 2 million metric tons of fresh fruits.

One of the main reasons that consumers around the world are fond of Thai fruits is the distinctive quality. The high-standard fruits are derived from the attention to detail in growing practices of Thai farmers. Not only from harvesting on the ideal time for the perfect flavor, but Thai exporters and producers also focus on integrating smart technology to meet international qualifications.

Since the global pandemic, Thailand has shifted the whole agricultural production towards the new normal. The Thai government has been implementing strict quality control measures for agricultural production at all levels, from farming to packing and transportation, based on the guidelines set by the World Health Organization.

Thai fruit producers, farmers and traders take cleanliness principles seriously to ensure that every farm product is fresh and free of contamination. They impose preventive measures and adopt personal protection and sanitation in every step before the delivery.

Despite the Covid-19 situation, Thai fresh fruit exports continue to grow. China is the biggest export market, accounting for over 83 percent. Thai durian is still the product champion, with demands soaring highest among Chinese consumers, followed by longan and mangosteen.

The outbreak has caused a drastic improvement on food safety standards throughout Thailand’s agriculture supply chains. Even though the pandemic situation is getting better, Thai farmers, producers and the authorities still continue to keep up with those standards to ensure quality and safety of fresh fruits for the consumers.
