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Purpose of Visit:

• (B) Business visit

• (B) Frequent business visit

• (B) Employment

• (IB) Business visit BOI

• (IB) Employment BOI

• (B) Internship (Non-Curricular Internship)

• (B) Employed as an academic staff / teacher in Thailand

• (B) Sport-related activities (Trainers / coach / instructor / etc.)

(ED) To study (elementary to secondary school)

• (ED) To study (vocational, technical and university diploma below bachelor's degree)

• (ED+) To study (bachelor's degree and higher)

• (ED) Internship (Curricular internship)

• (ED) To study a short course (Thai or English language)

• (ED) Attending workshop training or seminar organized by International Organization

• (ED) For monk, nun, priest studying dharma in Thailand

(F) To work with the government, diplomatic mission or an international organization in Thailand

• (F) Family or dependent of diplomatic officers / officials based in Thailand

• (F) To attend a meeting with Thai agency or to participate an event organized by Thai Government

• (F1) Participants in Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TIPA) Programme

(M) Film crew (having purpose of producing a film, motion picture or advertisement)

(M) Media / press based in Thailand

(O) To stay with Thai family resided in Thailand (more than 60 days)

(O) To stay with Non-Thai family resided in Thailand (more than 60 days)

(O) Retirement (pensioner aged 50 or above with a state pension who wishes to stay in Thailand for no longer than 90 days) 

(O) Voluntary work with government agency / state enterprise (without salary)

(O) Voluntary work with foundation or association registered in Thailand (without salary)

(O) Voluntary work with foreign foundation or association with permission to operate in Thailand (without salary)

(O) Thai national who abandoned their Thai citizenship 

 (O) Medical treatment (longer than 60 days) 

• (O) Diplomat's Housekeeper

• (O) To be a contestant or a witness for the judicial process

• (R-A) To perform missionary work or other religious activities with an approval from a relevant Government Departments (R-A)

• (R) To perform missionary work or other religious activities with an approval from a relevant Government Departments (R)

• (RS) Research and Science

 Longstay (O-A) 

Longstay (10 years) for foreigners age over 50 and family (O-X)